
Sunday, March 5, 2017

The Battle

Growing up I always had an affinity for fruit.  My family had relocated to Bradenton, Florida when I was 7 so that my mother could start her new job as a chemical engineer at the juice giant Tropicana.  We got 3 cases of juice a month (18 cartons).  I was living the dream!  Gone were the days of having a single glass of Five Alive in the morning.  Now I could have juice morning, noon and night and everywhere in between!  There were probably years that went by with the only water I drank being from the water fountain at school.  Why drink water???

In college my roommates thought I was crazy because I HAD to have my glass of juice every morning or I would feel like I was getting sick.  I seriously would feel like all my energy was being leached out of my body and I was slowly dying (see footnote 1).  They thought I was crazy.  I knew that the juice was making me better..........and had no idea what was really going on in my belly.  This went on for years and years to the point where during a Paris vacation with my roommate Christine the first thing we had to do after getting off the plane was to find a shop that had orange juice and make sure we had it for me to drink in the hotel the next morning.  This should've been an enormous red flag for me, but I was so used to this behavior it didn't register as a red flag, just as a confirmation that juice was my savior and I needed it.

When I got pregnant with my first Child in 2013 something happened.  I started needing more and more fruit.  My first trimester was awful.  I felt seriously hungover for 10-12 weeks straight and the only thing that would help was snacking allllllllll day long.  If I wasn't eating I was hovering over a trashcan.  Which food would you guess my body requested??? FRUIT.  Feed me more fruit!  So of course I listened to my body.  I fed it fruit left and right and all around.  I didn't want bagels or pasta or the usual carbs women crave.  My fruit of choice was the apple.  It wasn't messy, I could bring it everywhere and it was in season!  I ate apples so much that whenever I left the house I had to bring my "emergency apple" with me everywhere.  My sugar chaperone so to speak.

During a trip to Roatan with friends in November it was common knowledge that Elvita needed her emergency apple if we were to ever leave our rental property.  People even began asking me "Do you have your emergency apple?" before we'd left the house.  One night we were out on the town and I forgot to pack my apple! OHHHHH.  What a mistake.  We should've turned around, but my husband said we'd surely find something for me to eat when we were out.  Wrong. The bar had some tang that they were using as orange juice. Nope. Not working.  I felt the energy slowly begin to leach away from me.  I felt like I was the wicked witch of the west and someone had thrown water on me.  I was melting!  I went back to the van we used as our mode of transportation and laid down in the back seat.  My ears started ringing, my hands were shaking.  I surely was dying.  Eventually everyone came back to the van, we went home and I guzzled a carton of juice.  I was instantly better. Thank goodness for juice.....

After my little girl was born in April she had a little thrush on her tongue.  Her pediatrician called me in 2 Diflucan (fluconozole) and some Nystatin cream.  The thrush was gone in a few days and we were back to breastfeeding as normal.  Little did I know how that bout of thrush should've been my warning.....

In May I came down with a cold.  This cold wouldn't go away.  I coughed all night, waking up baby Elise in the process and I was already waking up every 2 hours to feed her.  After two weeks enough was enough and during a trip to my allergist I asked him to take a look at my nose.  "Sinus infection," he declared!  "I'll fix that right up!" he said, so proud of himself.  He even took pride in telling me that he was going to prescribe me the antibiotic that allows you to take the least amount of pills.  "Ummmm ok," I said.  Who was I to question this enormous man?  He was the doctor right?  I hadn't taken antibiotics very much as a child or adult.  The idea of taking probiotics when you take antibiotics never crossed my mind.  I'm not sure I even knew what probiotics were at this point.  Anyways I did my due diligence.  I called my pediatrician, told her the name of the prescription and asked if it was ok to take while breastfeeding.  I even went a step further and called my OBGYN to ask them too!  The both gave me the green light.

About 2 weeks later my nose was clear, we were back to regular waking up every 2 hours and I was having the time of my life playing with my baby when I noticed she had white on the top of her tongue again.  Hmmmmm.  Well no bother, I've dealt with this before right?? I'll just call the pediatrician and she'll prescribe me my Diflucan and Nystatin and we will get rid of this lickety split!  2 weeks later my baby still has the white and I was experiencing "lightning bolts" of pain in my milk ducts.  I'm back in the Dr's office and we both can't understand why the previous treatment didn't work.  This led me down a dark path of researching, researching and researching my research.  I saw 3 OBGYNS in addition to the 2 pediatricians at my daughter's practice and her nurse practitioner.  Everyone was either stumped or thought I was completely crazy.

From that June to November my goal in life was to defeat this awful beast called Thrush.  I learned an incredible amount from all my research.  I learned that thrush was really yeast and yeast was really called Candida.  I learned that people suffer from this thing called "Candida Overgrowth" and I had all the telltale signs.  I learned that my body was keeping it somewhat under control until I killed the last gatekeepers to my health when I took those blasted antibiotics.  Why did no one tell me to take probiotics????  I had talked to 3 doctors about this and no one had recommended them or mentioned it.  Was it their fault? No. Definitely not.  This monster was all mine and I had worked most of my years creating it, but it felt good to have someone else to blame.  If you are reading this you are probably in this similar headspace.  What is happening to me? Why wasn't I aware this could happen?  Why is this happening to me???? AH!

From June-November I tried an insane number of ways to tame this monster.  I did them singularly,  all together and everywhere in between.

  • Daily full dose of diflucan (fluconozole) for 4 months (sorry liver)
  • Apple Cider Vinegar - 3 tablespoons 3x a day (SOOOO GROSS)
  • Garlic - Consumed a bulb a day (did this for a week)
  • Coconut Oil (child's play)
  • Grapefruit Seed Extract (on nipples, consumed it, on the laundry, on everything that came into contact with me or Elise)
  • Vinegar (washed all the things in vinegar)
  • Boiling for 20 minutes(aka destroy all her toys lol)
  • Candida Diet (for 4 months)
  • Anti Candida Supplements (anything a health-food store could stock I popped in droves) 
  • Probiotics (all different kids, again with the health-food store)
  • Gentian Violet (definitely gets the job done in getting rid of symptoms short term, but doesn't conquer the source)
In August I wrote my girlfriend Jaimie who happened to be a family doctor in St Pete.  She traveled with our group of friends to Roatan and she had mentioned that she was into holistic medicine.  My email was a cry for help because nothing was working and no one could help me.  She recommended I visit Dr. Lisa Koche, a holistic doctor who has rave reviews in South Tampa.  When I called Lisa's office she had wasn't able to see me for months so I booked an appointment with her nurse practitioner....she can't be that different right?? WRONG. I've learned so much through this experience and one of those things is that all doctors are not created anywhere near equal and nurse practitioners have their place, but are NOT the same as a doctor. sigh. 

The nurse practitioner new exactly what was wrong with me.  She put me on an antifungal, a strong probiotic, an adrenal rebuilder, and 4 or 5 other things that I had no idea what they were.  She also showed me a 500+ page book titled "Candida Diet" and told me to read it.  Then she did something totally insane.  She had me lie down on the table and hold my arm in the air.  Then she placed different medicines on my stomach and told me to hold my arm still.  Then she tried to push my arm down with each different supplement on me.  In my head I was screaming "What the hell is going on!"  The NP didn't explain her methods or the medicines she was prescribing me.  I went to the checkout desk and they presented me with a bag of "goodies" and a bill of $748.00 dollars.

Retreat!  I did what anyone else would do.  I looked at the receptionist for a ridiculously long time trying to mentally understand what was happening.  Told her that I'd take the probiotic (because that was the only thing I actually understood) and ran out of there.  Then I called my mother crying from the car.  Classic.

In November the lightning bolts in my milk ducts went from once an hour to once a week and I eventually relaxed my diet.  I figured I had conquered the beast!  I didn't go back to eating a regular American diet, but I did bring fruit back into my diet (Duh.....because fruit was healthy).  In March I started noticing that when I would consume sugar and then sit in once place for a long time I would develop this rash on the backs of my legs.....weird.....but whatever I just wont put my thighs down on any seats. ever..........I went through the spring and summer not putting my thighs on any surface.  It was absolutely insane, but the dermatologist thought I was crazy and said those were just razor bumps or keratosis pilaris (chicken skin). ugh.

In August I found out that I was pregnant.  I began telling myself I was fine and could eat anything I wanted.  And sure enough for the entire first trimester I had to eat fruit or I would be constantly nauseous.  So I ate!

In late March Bennett James Freeman was born.  He was the cutest baby imaginable.  He didn't have thrush or anything of the sort although he had a very difficult time pooping for the first 8 weeks.  Right after that I noticed his poop began to change.  It went from normal breastfeed baby poop to a mucousy mess.  He strained and strained every morning to get out tons of mucous and would soil his onesie every time.  This couldn't be right???  So I began researching again.  Tons of websites and blogs later I came to the conclusion that he had an allergy to something in my breastmilk! Ok. No problem.  This I could deal with.  I changed pediatricians to my girlfriend who understood how important breastfeeding was to me.  I also trusted her to tell me if formula was in fact better than this lousy breastmilk I was producing.  She said that my breastmilk was still better than formula and that I should probably start with removing dairy, because that alone could be the culprit.  But she didn't know.  I'm hardcore, I'm going to give up all the things at once. Not a chance my baby is going to have to wait to get healthy.  So with her blessing to continue breastfeeding I removed all the popular offenders (dairy, soy, nuts, eggs and wheat) and rejoiced.  This problem had a solution!

After 8 weeks Bennett's poop had gone from mucousy to liquid.  An improvement, but something was still wrong with him.  I booked an appointment with Dr Koche at my mother's insistence.  Maybe there was something bigger going on.  During this appointment Dr Koche explained to me that my yeast had simply moved from my breasts to my gut and that it has eaten away at the lining.  I had leaky gut syndrome.  Google it.  Food particles were moving from my gut to my bloodstream and my system was releasing an insane amount of histamine because it thought it was being constantly invaded!  She then referred me to her colleague, Dr Springer, whom she said could cure me but was not covered under insurance.  Again I called my mother (a reoccurring theme) who urged me to make the appointment.  "Money is never an option when it comes to our health," she said.

On October 29th I visited Dr Springer.  He listened to my story about Elise and the yeast, he then told me his take on things which was very similar to what Dr Koche had expressed, except he included a vital tidbit.  He said that the histamine that my body was releasing was going straight into my milk.  Bennett was exhibiting allergy type symptoms to my milk because he was in fact processing a good amount of my histamine.  He then told me to lie on the table and stick my arm in the air................but while he did this he explained this method to me.  You can find his explanation here.

After testing me with various supplements to see which would interact best with my system he put me on a 6 week plan.  I felt eurphoric.  Finally. Someone doesn't think I'm nuts and can help me and the baby.  This eurphoria ended quickly as the receptionist handed me my bill for 700 dollars and my "bag of goodies."  I stated my mother's mantra to myself "money is never an option when it comes to our health, money is never an option when it comes to our health," signed the receipt and got in the car.  After calling my mother and explaining everything I learned I began the regiment.

The regiment: No sugars or starches.  For me particularly this means no fruit, but for my mother and husband they could both have 1 serving of fruit per day according to Dr. Springer.  The only type of sugar replacement Dr. Springer said to use was stevia, but I also consumed sugar alcohols (erythritol or xylitol) and I was fine. Dairy was ok as long as I wasn't coating myself in the stuff, and I should keep the coffee to one cup per day.  It usually takes 6 weeks to heal from leaky gut and 8-12 weeks to temper the yeast.  Keep in mind that you can never kill all of the yeast in your body as your body is supposed to have some yeast. A small amount of yeast can also hide in different places (scalp, skin, milk ducts, etc.) and not be in your gut.*

December 6th 2016 I got the "all clear" from Dr Springer!  I didn't need this appointment to tell me that though, Bennett's poops had been a beautiful yellow cream for a week and I knew I was healed.  This second feeling of relief was also short lived after asked Dr Springer about something on Elise's poop that had been bothering me.  She had white dust consistently on her poop and it looked like chalk dust.  "Yeast!" he said without hesitation.  So in came Elise to Dr Springer.  She had yeast in her gut (but not on her tongue thanks to gentian violet).  He did the same to her as he did to me and she was on a 6 week regiment too (thankfully her regiment only included 3 supplements).  As of mid January Elise has been yeast free.

Things I've learned:

  • Doctors are not the same thing as nurse practitioners
  • Doctors are all different human beings and not without fault
  • When you suspect something is wrong SOMETHING IS WRONG
  • If you get rid of a symptom that does not mean that you've eradicated it's cause or origin!
  • A homeopathic doctor, such as Dr George Springer, is the fastest most reliable way to eradicate yeast/leaky gut in my personal experience.
  • I am not crazy.  I am strong and resilient and will do anything for my babies.
  • Faith is the best support system
  • My mother is always right
This is by no means an ad promoted by Spectra Wellness or Dr George Springer.  I have been asked numerous times to share my experience with gut health and this seemed like the best way to help everyone without having to constantly explain things piecemeal. If you have further questions please don't hesitate to email me at  I'd never want another mother to go through my experience.  If this text resonates with you please digest it, let it sit with you and pray about which step to take next.

December 2017 Update:
So far I've had my yeast come back 1 time (summer) and I've figured out that I basically have to stay "no sugar/no starch" most of the time.  I've figured out that I can have a glass of wine about 2/3 times per week and it doesn't negatively effect me.  I've also figured out that I cannot have fruit.  A whole apple will bring back the yeast immediately (crazy!).  I can eat one small serving of starch (corn chips/corn cereal) per day and I'm okay.  I can have one slice of regular pizza or gluten per week and one serving of a sugary treat about once a month is alright too.  I have also found that the longer I go without a yeast relapse the stronger my system is at keeping it away.  Very exciting!  Another interesting finding is that totally separate from food I've noticed that stress can relapse yeast without needing a single gram of sugar.  If I have 2 or 3 stressful days in a row I will definitely wake up with a rash or have pimple like bumps appear on my wrists or ankles.  I've incorporated running into my weekly routine and I've started to see a therapist to keep my anxiety low.  Merry Christmas!

1: Why did I feel like I was dying when I didn't have fruit/fresh juice?  I was experiencing a Candida Die-off.   Candida is yeast and yeast need fuel or sugar (in my case something particular in the fruit) to live and thrive.  When it doesn't have adequate amounts of fuel it begins to die.  Since yeast is so incredibly smart when it dies it releases toxins into your system.  In order to beat the yeast you have to kill it off slowly.  This process can take between 1-2 weeks.  If you take too many antifungals and limit the sugar too much you will experience a severe die off.  This occured on one occasion with me where I felt my fingers and toes buckling, ringing in my ears, my limbs and face going numb and I actually collapsed on the floor.  I crawled to my fridge and ate an entire carton of strawberries (thank god I had them) panting for breath.  After eating the strawberries it took me about 10 minutes on lying on the kitchen floor before all the symptoms subsided.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi, so glad I found your story. Can I ask you some questions about it...?...
    1. Did you continue to breastfeed while you went through your "cleansing"
    2. If so, What supplements we're recommended that we're breastfeeding friendly
    I'm having a lot of issues and am having the hardest time finding any/much info on what can help without releasing excess toxins into my system and then getting into the breastmilk
